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Det här är tyvärr ingen provning av rom från Kambodja, men det var en spännande nyhet att det fanns en “ordentlig” rom i Kambodja: Samai Rum.

Vi är mycket överraskade över Samai Rum, vilket ändå får oss att tro att det här är ett riktigt seriöst försök till att göra bra rom! Spännande är det i alla fall, och vi ska klura lite på hur vi ska lyckas få tag i prover på Samai:s tre olika rom.


Så här skriver The Phnom Penh Post om Samai (inte en källa vi hade räknat med att använda på

Samai Distillery, Cambodia’s first and only rum producer, is close to securing upwards of $1 million from foreign investors to expand its business operations and production capacity, a move that could see its products sold internationally, the company said.

Daniel Pacheco, co-founder and director of Samai, said he is in late-stage discussions with a group of angel investors, and the company could soon secure a commitment for $550,000 to $700,000 in funding. He said that beyond the financial support, the investors would offer invaluable business advice for the start-up that first began producing rum in 2014.

“We are also aiming to raise another $600,000 from other individual investors to [expand] our business,” he added.

He said the first priority was to increase the production capacity of the distillery, which would require purchasing land and constructing a larger facility. As part of the company’s expansion plan, Samai rum would be marketed and exported abroad.

Pacheco said he intends to restructure the operation into a holding company with two subsidiaries, keeping the Samai brand name while operating an independent distillery. “This will allow for us to distil products for other brands, and some companies have already reached out to us expressing interest in our distillery operations,” he explained.

Steve Landman, managing partner of Lotus Fund, and one of the potential angel investors that would provide funding, said that he was optimistic that the rum’s Cambodian origin would add to its appeal in more developed consumer markets.

“The Samai brand is associated not only with helping farmers increase their income – as they source all of their ingredients locally – but also the fact that it comes from Cambodia makes it really special, especially as it is not a place that is known for producing rum, like in the Caribbean,” he said.

Landman, a member of the Mekong Angel Investor Network (MAIN), noted that the Cambodian rum distillery has raised a lot of interest from other investors he spoke to who are seeking a return on their capital commitments.

“Everyone has been really excited in the brand, even people who did not meet [Samai] directly,” he said.

“Premium spirits are increasing in demand and becoming really popular and I’m hoping to get the deal done by this year.”


  • Cristian skriver:

    Hej Rogge,

    Jag har 4st på gång
    -Bielle brut de fut 57%, agricole (Clydesdale)
    -2st Habitation Velier (symposium) recension Finns här
    – Velier Caroni 15y från vildmedvin

    Jag bestämde mig för att vänta tills alla dessa kommer in innan jag köper något annat?

    Att Plantation släpper dessa Extreme upplaga betyder kanske att dem förstår att det finns en marknad denna typ av rom.
    Undrar när Zacapa eller Diplomatico kommer med sina unchilfiltered, No sugar added, Cask strength versioner.


  • Cristian skriver:

    Hej Rogge,
    Idag släpptes 2st Cask Strength från Plantation.
    Guyana 18y ca 58% AVB
    Fiji 16y över 60%
    72st flaskor av båda rom.


    • Rogge skriver:

      Jag vet,fick tag i en Guyana 18y ca 58% ”Ler”
      men ingen Fiji 16y över 60%
      De gick åt direkt,vilken jävla tur……att jag fick tag i en.
      Själv då ?

  • Pablo skriver:

    Jag har två av tre flaskor och kan säga att det är som guld för mig

  • Oscar skriver:

    Snygga flaskor!

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