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Ian Burrell utökar RumFest till Sydafrika 2014

By 25 maj, 2014november 11th, 2014Ian Burrell, Mässor & Events, Mörk rom


Ian Burrell är verkligen en av de allra största i romvärlden – så vi delar gärna med oss av hans aktiviteter. Det är inte bara så att Ian Burrell sprider kunskap om rom i världen, utan han gör det ett kul och precis lagom avslappnat sätt. Vi gillar det starkt!

Och nu är det dags för “Mr Global Rum Ambassador” att utöka sitt RumFest-koncept från London till Cape Town i Sydafrika. Det kommer då av stapeln på “MUDL Live – Liquor and Lifestyle Exhibition” den 27 till 29 november 2014.


För att inte riskera att förstöra något i innehållet, så publicerar vi utvalda delar av pressreleasen direkt på engelska:

Global Rum Ambassador further expands his portfolio curating the Rum Zone at South Africa’s first major bar show

MUDL Live – Liquor and Lifestyle Exhibition
27 – 29 November 2014
Cape Town Convention Centre

MUDL Live plays host to the very first RumFest to be held outside of the UK. Launched by Global Rum Ambassador Ian Burrell, UK RumFest has over the years become the biggest gathering of rum lovers in the world and this year will become the most premium event of its kind. Having achieved such great success within the UK, 2014 sees Ian further expand his portfolio, identifying Africa’s first comprehensive bar show as the perfect destination.

The MUDL Live Liquid Lifestyle showcase will take place over three days at one of South Africa’s premier exhibition venues, The Cape Town International Convention Centre. Upwards of 10,000 people will get the chance to taste, touch and experience some of the most interesting spirits brands the world has to offer.

The Rum category will of course also be present at the show with its extensive variety of expressions and flavours and the organisers have invited Mr Rum himself to curate the dedicated Rum Zone. Ian Burrell is widely regarded as one of the world’s prominent experts on all things rum and therefore this partnership is a perfect fit for the first ever South African RumFest taking place at MUDL Live.

“We are very excited to have Ian involved in MUDL Live,” says Ross Shepherd, one of the show’s operators. “Having met Ian before and experienced his passion for rum first hand, I have no doubt he will have South Africans excited about the spirit in no time.”

”We have a strong whisky culture in South Africa,” adds Grant McDonald, editor of MUDL Magazine, “and there is no reason why quality rums could not have a great deal of success in a market that’s highly receptive to premium liquor brands.”

Ian Burrell, Global Rum Ambassador and Founder of UK RumFest comments, ”It’s an honour and a great pleasure to be invited to the inaugural MUDL Live and I am thrilled to be working with the team to curate a Rum zone that South Africa has never seen before. With such an interesting and burgeoning market, it really does feel like the perfect location to bring a taste of RumFest here in the UK to Africa for the very first time.”


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