Cane Island Single Island Blend Trinidad

390 kr

  • Ursprung: Trinidad & Tobago
  • Råvara: Melass
  • Sammansättning: Blend
  • Lagringstid: 3-5 år
  • Färg: Koppar
  • Typ: Allsidig
  • Alkoholhalt: 40%

Betyg: För litet prov

Kategori: Etikett:


Cane Island Single Island Blend Trinidad var avsmakningsprov nummer 14 i 24 Rums 2018 – och fram tills dess var den en av våra favoriter. Det är en ung och lätt rom från Trinidad – som lagrats 3-5 år.

Cane Island Single Island Blend Trinidad är lätt, rak och god. Vi har inte hittat någon kanal att köpa den genom, men vi har sett indikationer på att den skulle kosta runt 390 kronor – vilket känns som ett okej pris.

Det ska bli spännande att se vad det blir av Cane Island som märke – det känns som att de är lite på gång.

Information från producenten:

Rum is one of the most diverse and historic spirits in the world. There is no other distillate, which is produced and aged in so many different countries around the globe.
Each rum-producing country has its own history, uniqueness, and special traditions when it comes to rum making. The mission of Cane Island Rum is to let you discover the beauty the rum world has to offer.

The Rums
The rum selection of Cane Island Rum consists of three Single Origin Blends and three Single Estate Rums. The Single Origins Blends are blends of rum coming from different distilleries from one country. The Single Estate Rums are sourced from one single distillery.

The Origins
Cane Island Rum currently offers rum from a few of the most iconic rum countries: Barbados, Cuba, Jamaica, The Dominican Republic and Trinidad. Each one of these islands has a long history in rum production, with their own styles and traditions. All rums reflect the true rum characteristics and identity of the island.

Tropical Aged
All rums in their portfolio have been tropically aged for several years in wooden casks. Tropical aging is three times more intense than aging in colder climates because the heat of the Caribbean intensifies the interaction between the rum and the wood. This authentic aging process results in beautifully aged rums.

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