Dictador 20

2 kundrecensioner

584 kr

  • Ursprung: Colombia
  • Sammansättning: Solera
  • Lagringstid: 20 år Solera
  • Färg: Mahogny
  • Typ: Avec
  • Alkoholhalt: 40%

Betyg: Bra – men för litet prov

Kategori: Etikett:


Vi tycker att rom från Colombia varierar mycket i kvalitet – så det var med spänning som vi provade Dictador 20. Den var rom nummer 1 på 24 Rums som släpptes 2018.

Dictador 20 är alltså en 20-årig Solera-rom. Den har en lite blandad bakgrund – med en blandning av råvara (melass och “virgin sugar cane honey”) och en blandning av pot still och column. Som sen har lagrats med Solera-metoden, vilket är en enorm blandningsprocess.

Dictador 20 har en mycket mörk ton i glaset – mot det röda hållet. Den är tydligt tung på socker.

Aromen är har mycket godis-toner; det är kola, honung och bourbon-vanilj. Den känns nästan lite överdriven söt, men den skulle nog göra sig riktigt bra med en söt efterrätt.

Smaken är mycket söt. Honungen är starkt – och med den följer en vaniljig smörkola – med lite underliggande kaffe.

Dictador 20 är söt och god – och bland det bättre vi har provat från Colombia. Vi hoppas återkomma med ett ordentligt betyg!

Dictador 20

Officiell information:

Nestled on the shores of the Caribbean Sea lies the port city of Cartagena de Indias, home to over one million inhabitants. It is consindered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the whole of Columbia, renowned for its colonial and colourful architecture but also a modern and vibrant city that resonates with a Caribbean soul. Hidden here is the jewel in the Dictador crown, the Dictador distillery. Established in 1913 by Julio Arango Y Parra, a modern-day alchemist who spun sugar cane into liquid gold. His work has been continued by the 3rd generation of the Parra family, Hernan. Hernan is a Master Blender who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of perfection, employing traditional and contemporary techniques to bring forth a taste of Caribbean soul.

Dictador uses only the finest ingredients in its products, its sugarcane sways in the breeze of the Caribbean winds and its coffee beans are grown under the hot baking sun as fields of tobacco darken in the lush soil, ready for their transformation into Dictador cigars, a practice that has not changed much in over 100 years. At Dictador, they pride themselves on tradition. It is a tradition that allows them to be innovative, to succeed where others fail, to build on a foundation of excellence and craftsmanship, and they are dedicated to bringing a taste of the Caribbean to the wider world. Make no mistake, it is this fusion between Latin America and the Caribbean, traditional and contemporary, that makes Dictador unique amongst rum making nations. They are the fastest growing brand in the brown spirits category, proof that the quality of their product speaks for itself. Products such as Dictador Best of Rum, a single cask premium rum that has been selected by Harrod’s of London for their discerning connoisseurs.

Not content with producing award-winning rums, Dictador has diversified their business, branching out into coffee, cigars and gins. Dictador is primarily a lifestyle brand. They not only produce rum but also coffee and cigars and each of these products is designed to complement the other and raise the standard for which they have become internationally renowned. Dictador is a dynamic and strongly developing brand, winning numerous international awards and gold medals and they are recognised as a leader in their field. They have created innovative marketing campaigns that have crossed the conservative lines of traditional advertising in the spirits world and have captured the quintessential nature of their products, appealing to the connoisseur who values tradition, excellence, craftsmanship and taste, and to the occasional traveller on the Dictador journey. Their brand is at home in the world’s top hotels, nightspots and bars and they cater to an international clientele who demand the very best. Dictador appeals not only to the James Bond or Wonder Woman in us, sipping cocktails that leave us shaken and not stirred, fighting for truth and justice but also to the homebodies who want a quiet night in, less 007 and more oh, oh is it that late?

They know that life is busy and that is why their range of products have been created to slip effortlessly into yours. Dictador is with you from dawn ’til dusk, from your morning cup of coffee on the terrace to the last sip of their delicious aged rums in the evening. They believe that Everybody has some Dictador inside.

Ytterligare information










2 recensioner av Dictador 20

  1. Michael

    En svag ton av lakrits. Behaglig och en eftersmak av krydda.

  2. Magnus

    Mjuk bra men ändå lite bränna efteråt istället för ren sötman, söt, rund.

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